Wacom Intuos Small Bluetooth Graphics Tablet
Goodbye, Huion, hello WACOM!
So, I was upset about my beautiful fancy big drawing display tablet arriving and then failing to turn on or power up or do anything at all. The support people weren't very helpful, and really really didn't want me to return it.
I'm still in the process of returning it, but in the meantime, I had signed up for an online art class that requires the use of a graphics tablet (or the more fancy display tablet that I wanted).
I haven't been reimbursed yet so didn't have a lot of money to spend, but did some research on inexpensive but RELIABLE graphics tablet companies, and everyone pointed me toward WACOM.
Wacom Rules (Or so "they" say)
There are tons of reviews saying that every tablet is wonderful, including my Huion that arrived broken, but I soon learned that most of the glowing reviews on YouTube were the result of artists being given the products for FREE and then asked to give a review in return.
People who outright purchased Wacom with their own hard earned cash loved the thing, so I found one on sale at my local best buy and bought it for under $100 Canadian, on the last day of the Cyber Monday sale.
My new WACOM Intuos Small Bluetooth graphics tablet |
I don't know if you can tell, but the box...and the tablet...are MUCH smaller than the Huion Kamvas.
That's because, in order to buy a comparable size in the WACOM, I'd be out $883.41, according to today's prices on amazon.ca (I'm Canadian, so that's in Canadian dollars).
I can't justify that as I'm not an artist and have no idea what I'm doing. I was so excited about the Huion because it was a DISPLAY tablet, which means it acted like a second monitor for your computer, except one that could be drawn on with a special pen.
The one I bought is called a drawing tablet, or a graphics tablet. The word tablet is confusing because nowadays we think of tablets as mini computers, with a display, etc. In this case, tablet refers to the old fashioned meaning, back when kids had tablets that were in fact little blackboards. These tablets are just dark black slabs that have to be connected to the computer. When you draw on the tablet, it appears on the computer. Essentially, they are like a fancy trackpad with a pen. You use the pen on the tablet to manipulate the cursor on your computer. It takes some getting used to, but is easier than I thought it would be.
Wacom Intuos S Bluetooth Graphics Tablet |
Out of the box, it comes with a tablet (mine is the small size, 7.9" by 6.3", and the drawing surface is just a bit smaller than that. The dotted area in the photo below is the drawing area. The little buttons across the top can be set to do things (I have no idea what yet, lol), and the little WACOM tag is the pen holder.
Bonus Software, like an early Christmas gift!!!
The photo above is not my photo; it's the one they use to sell the tablet but I wanted to show you the thing that made me so thrilled to get this thing. BONUS SOFTARE.
The whole experience with this tablet was just so much nicer than the Huion experience. With Huion I downloaded the driver and had to figure things out myself.
With Wacom, I went to their website and signed in and they welcomed me and walked me through everything. How to download the drivers, how to set up the tablet, and they gave me a library to keep my art software with links to download the free software.
Free Software
The software was totally free, no hidden costs.
1. Corel Painter Essentials sells for $49.00. I was thinking of buying it last week, in anticipation of my Huion and I'm so glad I didn't as I now have it free courtesy of Wacom. I'm just starting to learn how to use it, but it looks very cool.
2. Corel Aftershot 3. This is photo editing software sells for $59.99. I've taken a quick look and it looks like fun. I do enjoy photo editing. They're having a sale where I can upgrade to the pro version for 19.99 but I'm going to stick to standard for now.
3. Clip Studio Paint Pro: This comic and manga style art software sells for $59.99. I got a free 2 year subscription to it, which is very cool.
So, I went from feeling almost broken hearted about the beautiful big but broken Huion to feeling happy about the tiny but mighty Wacom.
I sat down this morning with a cup of tea to work with my new tablet, to watch videos and lean and try to follow along and the next thing I knew it was after 5 and I hadn't noticed the time flying by. I was hungry and really needed to run to the ladies room, but that's probably tmi, lol.
So, as long as Ebay follows up on their promise to get my money back, my tablet buying saga will have a happy ending :-). And if I get good enough to justify it, maybe in a few years I'll upgrade to the Wacom Drawing Display tablet, which is called the Wacom Cintiq. But for now I'm happy with my small Intuos.