Hi! I've been really lazy about blogging but I'm going to make an effort to start up again.
I've been working on a new book, which takes up a lot of my time, but I love it. When I'm not writing I'm crafting...I just love needle crafts and painting.
Here's the little kitty I've been working on today. She's not done yet...I had to stop after poking my finger badly enough to bleed, lol. I'll add more details tomorrow. I should be organizing my house and packing for my move...I have to move home soon...unless I win the lottery, or unless my book starts selling.
Needle felted kitty in progress |
Needle felted kitty by Haunted dollhouse |
I wish I had a friend who needle felts too, because i'd love some tips. It's really hard to add details without changing the shape of the critters. I have an especially hard time doing the noses without squishing the faces. I enjoy it anyway, and they don't have to be perfect. Maybe one day I'll be able to do those super realistic felties, but for now I'll stick with my cartoony animals and people, lol.
Here's the feltie gang, so far.
All of my needle felted critters so far, with plastic canvas houses and a crocheted tree. |
The purple bear was my first try; I had a kit with nice instructions. Then I did the white bear, on my own, based on a photo I found online. He's supposed to be lying down. I did the dog, baby, and bunny next, and have been wanting to try a cat for quite some time. I finally started the cat today.
The felties.
I bought the coolest books for needle felting, from Crafterica at Etsy. I bought needle felted cats, and dogs. I already had the wild animal book, but I lost it when my computer crashed. The seller was wonderful; she sent it for me again, so now I can try some wild animals. The book has everything, from zebras to chipmunks. I want to do a chipmunk, lol.
Here's the link to the cat book that I used to work on my kitty:
Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's...pie and icecream! |
My Dad is at the head of the table. He and my cousin Lyle were holding their forks (or a spatula) here, waiting for desert, lol.
Mom serving desert. |
Here's my little dog Ben. He's been staying with my parents for most of the summer. I had him for a week but then my parents took him back again.
I forgot to take a picture of Mac, and it was his first outing since the spring. He was so happy to go see Grandma and Grampa. He was so good about being lifted into the back of the Blazer, and he lay down in his pop up crate all the way there. I was worried he might stand up and fall, and hurt himself, but he was really good, thank God. He's heavy to lift, but it's worth it. I don't want the other disc in his neck to blow.
Benji relaxing after dinner. |
I finally got around to working on furniture for the Haunted dollhouse I stitched up last Fall.
Furniture for haunted dollhouse. |
I think this is my favorite out of all 3 of the dollhouses I made so far.The crocheted tree is perfect for it.
Haunted dollhouse in plastic canvas, with crocheted spooky hollow tree. |
Kitchen cabinets. |
Living room chairs. |
WEll, that's about it. I'll try to be better about blogging from now on. Take care!