Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Friday, January 9, 2015


I joined Weight Watchers (WW) online a week ago and am down 7.4 Ibs in my first week.  As a belated Christmas gift to myself, and incentive to stay on plan (fruits are 0 points), I ran out and bought the Yonanas Frozen Dessert Maker, for the post holiday sale price of $39.00 (regular $69).

Here's my Yonanas machine, still in the box, with the Christmas tree in the background. The machine is made by Dole, and it advertises that it uses frozen fruit to make a soft serve ice cream like dessert.

Yonanas Frozen Desert Maker
 I love icecream, and I love banana ice cream so I couldn't wait to try it.  I could only find green bananas though, so had to resort to buying frozen bags of fruit.  I decided to start with frozen bananas and strawberries, as the booklet that came with the machine recommends using bananas to get the creamy consistency.
Yonans and frozen fruit.
 The directions said to let the frozen fruit thaw for 5-15 minutes.  I chose 5 minutes, lol.
Yonanas "ice cream"
 You basically toss the fruit into the chute, turn the machine on, and depress the plunger, pushing down until the fruit comes out of the bottom.
Yonanas creamy goodness.
The result; a creamy, fruity dessert that looks and feels like icecream, and tastes great, but not sugary or sweet like icecream.  The first spoonful was a shock because my brain was expecting sugar and fat and got fruit.  After a few spoons, it was heavenly, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I bowl of frozen fruit made enough for two servings, so I gave half to my dad (my half is pictured in the bowl above).

The machine is really easy to use, and it's tempting to eat the fruit cream as soon as you make it, but I learned it's important to take the machine apart before eating, because a good half serving of icecream gets left behind in the grinder area.  It's super simple to scoop that creamy goodness into your bowl before rinsing the parts in hot water.  Clean up takes seconds, a definite plus.

I've had Yonanas frozen desserts 4 times this past week, and enjoyed every time.  I tried just frozen bananas (didn't care for the taste but it was super creamy), bananas and strawberries (love), bananas and mixed berries (love), and bananas and strawberries with a spoon of hot chocolate mix swirled in (love).  The yonanas website has loads of recipes that I can't wait to try.

You can get your own machine at Walmart, or online if anyone is interested:
Yonanas Frozen Desert Maker on Amazon

I really love mine and would recommend it to anyone who loves icecream, and bananas.  If you don't love bananas you can still use frozen fruit without bananas.  The result is less creamy, but still good.  If you're on WW...it's zero points for a yummy, healthy dessert!

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