For my last ride of the season, I went up Korah Road to the duck pond, and then for the first time, went past it and up the hill. Of course, I had to get off and walk because my asthma is too bad to allow me to bike up a hill. I made it to the top, caught my breath, kept going, and found another hill! I only went to the base of the second hill. I had enough energy to keep going and it was a nice day, not too hot, but I was concerned there'd be a third hill to climb (I drove the route later and it's a good thing I stopped because Moss Road is SUPER hilly. It was a nice ride though, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't get the benefit of cruising down hill because I'm terrified I"ll fall if I'm going too fast so I constantly hit the brakes. It was still easier than going up though, lol.
Cycling up Korah Road.
Cute inflatable pumpkins and ghosts under brilliant foliage.
I stopped to snap photos of the pond here. That's Moss Road, stretching out ahead. I usually go the other way, down Korah Road to the end, but that day, I wanted something new.
My bike at Garson's Pond |
The ducks were mad at me once again. I really must remember to bring them some food next time.
My trusty bike is in the garage, waiting for spring. I miss her! I still have to name her, although I call her Coral so much, she may as well just have that name, lol.
The top of the first hill on Moss Road.
Pretty countryside.
It's hard to tell in the photo above, but the little runoff ditch must have flooded, and the side of the road was completely eroded.
The geese were practicing their flying formations, honking loudly, getting ready for their long trip South.
When I got back to the pond, I turned and did my normal route, to the end of Korah Road, and went to check on the abandoned house.
I was surprised to find someone had been there. The long grass on the driveway had been cut back quite a bit. Maybe someone still owns the place?
My imagination always goes wild when I'm in this spot. It sort of looks like a sad Little House on the Prairie scene.
I decided to turn around and ride down this road (can't remember the name of it). I love this farm. It's for sale; if only I had the money I'd buy it.
When my friend Laurie and I were little we walked alongside this little creek and felt like explorers. I think that is why I love biking beside these flood prevention creeks so much now.
This little creek was really high, and the water was rushing away on it's journey to the St. Mary's river.
The trees were such brilliant shades of orange and red that they looked like they were on fire when the sun hit them.
I hate the graffiti, but it makes a cool backdrop for a photo, lol.
This is the farm that was for sale. I'd love to own land like that, with a little creek running through it. I'd rather have a waterfront home though, since I'm dreaming may as well go for it, lol. In reality I'm still waiting to get a geared to income apartment.
So that was it, my last bike ride of the season. When I added the kilometers of all 26 rides together, I discovered I was 2 km away from hitting the 200 km point. So, I biked 198 km from mid July to late October.
That is nothing to a "real" cyclist, but I just started out, have severe, chronic asthma, and am carrying a LOT of extra weight. God willing, I'll lose a lot of weight and get to ride a lot more next year.