Needle Felted Hagrid mini |
Good morning!
I love the Harry Potter books and movies, and I love plastic canvas and needle felting and dollhouse miniatures. I decided to try to make Hagrid's Hut, or my version of it, in plastic canvas, but first, I wanted to try to needle felt myself a Hagrid doll. I wanted him to be in or close to the 1:12 scale, where one inch equals one foot. The typical male dolls in that scale are 6 inches tall, but Hagrid is half giant so he needed to be bigger. I came up with this guy, and I had so much fun making him that I stayed up until 4 AM just to finish him.
Needle felted Hagrid maxi miniature |
I made my version of Hagrid with an off white core wool batting, over a thin wire skeleton (what is the word doll people use for that, lol?) and then added details in color. His entire body is pose-able, and he can even stand up by himself on rough surfaces like wool or felt. I made him at night by lamp light and didn't realize his face and hands were lighter than I thought I was making them until the next day, lol, but I'm still happy with him. His clothes were made from colored wool batting. I needle felted the pants and red shirt right on to him, but the vest is removable.
Needle felted Hagrid |
Here he is, next to a dollhouse table that is a bit smaller than regular 1:12 inch style (it's from my pink plastic canvas dollhouse kitchen). Doesn't he look like he wants to step through the computer screen and into his house? Poor guy needs a home, lol.
Needle felted Hagrid |
In the above photo, I played around with lighting so it would look like Harry or Hermione had cast the lumos spell :-) .
Needle felted Hagrid |
Here's Hagrid from the side. His hair is a little longer than the real Hagrid's but I like it...it's so nice and soft.
Needle Felted Hagrid |
Here's Hagrid standing on my laptop, looking into the screen, wondering what mean witch or wizard cast him out of his home, lol.
Needle felted Hagrid with miniature doll in 1:12 scale |
Here's Hagrid next to a Mommy doll in 1:12 scale. I'm hoping he'll fit in Barbie scale furniture, but he may be too short. I'm working on a plastic canvas chair in Barbie scale right now, and if that doesn't work, I'll have to create my own plastic canvas furniture patterns for him...either that or make a bigger Hagrid, lol.
Needle felted Hagrid with miniature dolls |
Here he is with one of the child sized mini dolls. I think his scale is good, considering he's half giant and the little doll girl is standing on a table to look at him, lol. I guess I can always make his legs longer if I want him to be taller.
I find the older plastic canvas patterns don't really follow the modern scales. The smaller dollhouses are in a variety of scales, but not quite as big as 1-12 scale, and the Barbie patterns also seem to vary. I made a picnic table that the pattern says is for Barbie sized dolls, but it's way too small for 11 inch dolls, and better fits the 8 inch ones. The chair I'm making now, also for Barbie sized dolls, seems huge in comparison. I'll just have to finish it to see what size it will be.
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