Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mini baby doll wrap

Mini clay baby doll
 I wanted to make a little doll to fit my plastic canvas crib, so I came up with this.  It was really easy to make; I used a mold for the head (although for some reason, none of my heads look the same, even with the same mold, lol).  I used a tool to open the nose, and emphasize the eyes, and mouth.  I lightly "painted" with chalk...tomorrow I'll try another one with acrylics.
I put a wire in the head, and looped the bottom.  I attached a pipe cleaner to the wire, and wound the pipe cleaner around some fibre fill.  The blanket is a little piece of felt.  I glued it on, so that it looks like the baby is wearing a hat under the blanket.
I'm pretty happy with this, for a first try.  It's night and my lighting is bad, so I couldn't get a good picture, but I wanted to share, anyway.
I've been stressed out about my boy dog, Mac, and this little project let me escape for a bit.
Mini clay baby in plastic canvas crib (floating on some fibre fill so I could get the shot, lol)