Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hagrid's Hut in plastic canvas, interior, now with baby dragon Norbert

Good afternoon!
I hope the sun is shining, wherever you are.  Here it is raining  and dreary, but that's OK because yesterday I went for a 3 hour hike and am too sore today to do any walking :-).  I'll post some photos of the hike another time, but for now, would like to share Hagrid's Hut interior, complete with furniture and odds and ends.

Hagrid's Hut, plastic canvas, Interior, with Norbert, crocheted baby dragon in egg
Here's a photo of the finished interior, with all of the items (so far).  Hagrid himself was needle felted. The dollhouse (hut), and furniture were all stitched on hard plastic canvas sheets.  I didn't have a pattern for the house or built in shelves, bench, and fireplace; I made those up myself.  The table and chairs, fire logs, log holder, book, and canister set are all Barbie sized furniture.  Since Hagrid is half giant I figured his items should be a lot bigger than standard sized dollhouse furniture.  I plan on making little Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione dolls, and I want the furniture to be too big for them, the way Hagrid's is for the movie kids.

Hagrid's Hut, fireplace with cauldron.
 The plastic canvas fire and logs can be removed from the fireplace, so the fire can be burning or not. I purposefully made the fireplace deep enough to hold a hanging cauldron.  I just found some Hallowe'en candies in tiny plastic cauldron shaped pumpkins, and I think I'm going to wrap the crocheted cauldron around that to give it the right form (and handle).  I'll take more photos if it works out.

Hagrid's Hut interior

Hagrid's Hut, crocheted baby Norbert dragon in eggshell
Here's my version of a baby dragon, Norbert, in an eggshell.  He has a curly tail, wings, and a long narrow body, just like the movie version.  I didn't have green or grey thin yarn so had to use worsted.  He's cute, but I'd like to try him again with lighweight yarn, so I can add more details, like ridging along the head, and webbing on the wings.

Hagrid's Hut, interior, canisters on shelf

Needle felted Hagrid, Plastic canvas Hut and furniture, crocheted Norbert

Hagrid's hut, interior

Hagrid's Hut, interior, with plastic canvas fire in fire place

Hagrid's fireplace, plastic canvas, crocheted cauldron
I had a lot of fun with this project.  Hope you enjoyed the photos!

Take care.


  1. Such fine stitching! Everything coordinates to nicely together.

  2. Where can we get the patterns at

  3. Hi, I'm so sorry I didn't see you comment until today. I haven't been getting email notifications. There are no patterns for Hagrid's Hut or the things inside; I just made them up. I wish I would have written them down. The only item that I used a pattern for were the table and chairs, and they were from a Barbie Doll kitchen set in plastic canvas pattern that I found on Ebay.
