Hello,It's a beautiful, bright day today. I woke up at 7 AM to the smell of chicken soup. It had been simmering on low in my crock pot all nigt long, and boy, does it smell good! It's been simmering away all day long, and still smells wonderful. I'm going to have a cup for supper, but most of it will be used to cook Mac's rice in, so I can make him more rice/chicken/yam balls.
Mac's rice/chicken/yam balls, to hide his pills. |
I gave Mac his 7 morning pills, hidden in 7 rice/yam balls, and we sat on the deck to enjoy the morning sun. Mac really loves his new pop up crate.
Mac in his pop-up crate. Check out the big smile on his face! |
It's so nice to see Mac's big doggy smile again. He's been through so much, poor guy, but he's getting stronger every day.
I read a book about writing while sitting on the deck and was so motivated by it that I grabbed my laptop and wrote a few pages. Not a lot, but something, enough to make me feel I'm out of the slump I was in.
Then I lost my internet connection...my new laptop has a bad habit of losing the network adaptors...they don't even show up in the device manager. I redownloaded them all and still couldn't get it to work so now i'm on my old laptop. It's hard to type on this one because I'm used to the new keyboard now.
I couldn't get back into the swing of writing after I lost my internet connection, so I sanded a few pieces of the Primrose dollhouse kit. The cheap wood did not like getting sanded and it splintered like crazy, so it was back to the computer for me. I googled, "how to sand" and somehow lost myself in cyberspace for two hours (I hate when that happens, lol).
Lilacs and apple tree in bloom.
My yard is gorgeous right now. My apple tree is just loaded with blossoms, and my lilacs are blooming. The one near the deck is in full bloom, but the other 5 are just starting. The cherry tree has a few blossoms, but nothing like the apple tree. The yard smells heavenly.
Well, I wanted to blog about my reborn but Mac is barking; I think he wants to go back outside. I'll write more later.
Have a nice day!