Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Teeny tiny needle felted bunny
 Happy belated Easter!
I was sick for a week but am thankfully feeling better now.  I made this cute little needle felted bunny rabbit for one of my sculpted dolls. The bunny is about the size of the tip of my thumb, very small.  Baby girl (I forgot her name, lol) seems to like her new pet.
First flowers of spring

  It has been a very long winter and the last of the snow is finally melting.  The crocuses are blossoming and their vibrant purples and more muted lilac colors are such a welcome change to snow and old moldy leaves.  I'm allergic to the ground right now, as it's full of mold/mildew.  A few good rains and a few sunny days should clear that up soon. 
Last of the snow

Mom, Easter
 We had a nice, quiet Easter, with just me, Mom and Dad, my cousin Linda, and the dogs, of course.  Mom made a beautiful Turkey dinner. 
Mom and Dad

Mac and Ben watching Mom cook
 My dogs were thrilled because they each got a plate of Easter dinner.  Mac even had apple pie for dessert, lol.  Ben was too full.
Mom and Dad, Easter

Mom and Dad, Easter

Mom, Dad, and cousin Linda
 The meal, and the pies, were to die for.  My mom only made 3 pies and some Easter bread (she normally makes 6 pies but my Aunts and Uncles didn't come over for dinner this year so she said she "cut back" and "only" made 3 pies.  For 4 people, lol.  The coconut cream and apple were delish, but my favorite was the banana cream pie.  Yum!  We also had a huge bowl of fruit with home made whipped cream.
Now we're all cutting back and trying to lose the weight we gained from eating all of that lovely pie, lol.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sculpt 8, polymer clay OOAK baby girl

 This tiny girl has  loads of character, lol.  I painted her with Genesis heat set paints, and I am really happy with the way her skin tone turned out.  I will never go back to blushing with chalk again.

Polymer clay OOAK baby
 I'm learning to sew and made her little onesie and skirt, attaching it to a crocheted bodice.
 Here whispy baby fine hair is mohair,and she has two tiny ponytails.  \

I added a few photos with my hand to show scale  She's about the size of my index finger.
Miniature OOAK baby sculpt

Miniature OOAK polymer clay baby with plastic canvas crib.
 I made the crib for the last doll, out of plastic canvas.

Ooak babies

I had fun making this one!  She has the best hands and feet out of any of my sculpts so far, but her ears are weird, lol.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Plastic canvas crib, mini toys, and sewing for OOAK dolls

Little outfit for little OOAK polyme boy
 I have a beautiful Kenmore sewing machine that I hardly ever use and I finally pulled it out in order to try to sew some tiny clothes.  I had to learn how to thread the machine and bobbin all over again, it's been so long, and I've only sewn a few items before this, so it was a real challenge, but I'm very happy with the result.
 The white material is from my Dad's old undershirt, and the applique and blue ribbing is from a stained baby shirt.  I still have to add the snaps on the back of the little nightshirt.
Plastic canvas crib with built in drawers
 I made a simple baby stacking toy out of buttons, stacked and glued, with a cut bit of skewer glued on top.  The book is from a printable I found on pinterest, and the blocks are beads.  The doll's name is Phillip but I didn't have enough to spell his name out so settled for Max, lol.
Miniature stacking toy and book
 I really love this crib.  It's from a pattern meant for Barbie and hr babies, and it fits my OOAK polymer clay sculpt perfectly.  The mattress is really just a piece of foam board encased in fabric; same with the pillow.
 I needle felted the teddy bear quite some time ago.  I think it's pretty cool that I made everything in the photo; even the doll eyes.

 The white onesie below is a practice onesie.  It's quite a bit bigger than the little nightshirt I made because it's from an actual baby sized pattern, shrunk by 50 %.  I'm going to try one shrunk by 70% tomorrow.  This was the first time I did sleeves.
Practice doll onesie out of repurposed tshirt

Plastic canvas crib and highschair
Below are some of my polymer clay baby sculpts and the plastic canvas furniture. I'm having so much fun with this!  I can't wait to start my next doll, but first I want to learn how to make fabric doll bodies.
4 of my sculpts so foar