Since I joined Weight Watchers Online on January 2nd, I have lost 17 Ibs; gained 8, lost 8, gained 10, lost 10, gained get the picture. I've been trying but struggling to lose weight.
I have severe, chronic asthma and it has been completely out of control. I was in the hospital twice last week and needed 5 treatments in a row. I'm on prednisone, 50 mg per day.
I know I have to eat more healthy foods but I really have a hard time getting enough veggies down. Since January I've had no trouble eating my fruit; I bought a yonana machine and have been enjoying faux "icecream" made only of frozen fruits whenever I have a craving for ice cream. I like veggies but can never seem to eat enough of them to make a difference. Since a kitchen gadget helped me substitute frozen fruit for icecream, I wondered if there was a gadget that could make me eat more veggies.
I checked out and found several potential gadgets that could help.
THIS is the one I bought, on sale for $88.00 Canadian Dollars at my local Walmart:
I started making green smoothies, or "nutriblasts" yesterday.
For my first "green" smoothie, I used:
1 cup of fresh baby spinach, 4 pieces of frozen banana, and a few handfuls of frozen blueberries, and some yogurt. I added cold water to the max fill line, like the instructions instructed, pushed down on the bullet until it pulverized everything, and ended up with a PURPLE smoothie.
First nutriblast, spinach, frozen banana, frozen blueberry |
I was very uncertain about drinking a smoothie with spinach, even though I love cooked spinach, but I needn't have worried as the banana and blueberry totally masked the taste of spinach. It was actually delicious; like a blueberry shake. The banana and yogurt made it creamy and smooth and it was soothing on my sore throat.
I read more about healthy smoothies on the nutribullet website and learned I should be adding what they call "boosts" to my blasts. Boosts are: chia seeds, ground flax, cacao, raw nuts; things that add protein, good fats, and nutrients, basically. So today I ran out and bought chia, flax, nuts, and hemp hearts. I have no idea if hemp hearts can be used, but I was completely carried away by my foray into healthy eating and bought them anyway, lol.
Last night I was hungry after supper and decided to try to make an actual green, green smoothie, with no fruit. I figured the extra veg would be good for me, and I decided to try to make something similar to V8 juice; only thicker.
For my second nutriblast, I used:
Mixed spring greens, cucumber, 1 tomato, garlic, dash of salt and pepper, a few ice cubes, and water.
I forgot to take a picture, but if you imagine a frothy green sludge, you'll have an idea of what I ended up with. The taste was terrible, so I added a drop of katsup, and some hot sauce, and then it was OK. Not nearly as good as V8 juice, but OK. I think it could have really used some carrots and celery to add to the flavor. I'll try it again soon.
For my third "nutriblast", I used:
Frozen spinach, frozen banana pieces, frozen and fresh strawberries, a handful of fresh mint leaves, 2 tbsp chia seeds, and then added unsweetened almond milk to the fill line.
I learned that the nutribullet does NOT like to deal with all frozen foods; it took forever to blend this concoction.
Nutriblast made from spinach, frozen banana, strawberries, fresh mint leaves, chia, and almond milk. |
This blast came out an unappealing orange-y brown color, but the taste was fresh, minty, and delish. I was really pleased with the flavor of this blast.
I posted a picture of my first blast on facebook and learned that I am VERY late to this party; it seems most of my friends have already been doing this...or some version of this. About half are doing smoothies, like me, and the other half are juicing. We all seem to be trying to get more fresh, whole foods into our bodies. which I think is great. I just wonder why it took me so long to hear about smoothies, lol.