Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Playing Santa for the Dogs at the Local Shelter

Giving Crocheted Gifts and Food Treats to the Dogs at the Humane Society

Ho Ho Ho!

I felt like Santa on Dec. 23, just a few weeks ago now.  I had been busy for the months of November and December, crocheting my fingers off, trying to make enough mice for the shelter cats, and food themed toys for the dogs.

It's been so busy this holiday season, so I'm a bit behind in posting and trying to catch up.

I made these toys for the dogs and cats, and also bought healthy food treats for them, and also food treats for the little critters (guinea pigs). 
Toys I crocheted for the shelter dogs and cats for Christmas

Dexter broke my heart.  I instantly fell in love with him, and the feeling was mutual, I think.  He was the sweetest, most gentle dog in the shelter.  I have severe asthma and allergies that trigger the asthma, or I would have adopted him in a heartbeat.  Thankfully, he was adopted and now has a forever home. 

To be honest, all of the dogs broke my heart.  I love animals and have had poodles for over 30 years. They are the only kind of dogs I can have.  I wish I didn't have asthma; I'd rescue or foster all of these furbabies if I could. I don't remember the name of the dog above but she was sweet. 

Lilly was also very sweet.  She was adopted and now has a forever home.  She loved her crocheted bone, the toy that cracked me and my friends up as I made it, lol. 


Buster and Linus loved their hotdog and turkey drumstick toys.  They were both adopted too!
Zeus was big and beautiful, a purebred Great Pyrenese.  He found a new home quickly and was adopted. 
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This dog was also a sweetheart. I don't remember the name and he or she is no longer on the website.  The humane society needs to update their gallery for January, so hopefully he or she was adopted.
Shadow was the biggest dog at the shelter, so I gave him the biggest toy; the piece of pie.  He immediately put it on his dog bed, then came back to lick my hand.  I'm not surprised that this big beautiful boy was adopted.

I also bought two big packages of healthy dog treats for the dogs.  They LOVED those even more than the crocheted toys, I think.  Next year I'm going to bake healthy treats for them, but I ran out of time this year.  

Almost all of the dogs I visited have found homes, hopefully forever homes.  I'm so glad :-). 

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