Needle felted bunny with crocheted radish |
Hello, friends. I've been negligent with my blog for awhile; so sorry. I sold my house, moved back home, and things were kind of hectic but life is getting back into a routine now.
I'm sitting in my parent's spare room with my parrot Smokey and cockatiel Noel. The birds are sleeping, and I guess I should be too, considering it's 2:12 AM. I spent the entire day needle felting though, and wanted to share some shots of my latest creation before I follow the birds' example and call it a day.
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Needle felted bunny and carrot, crocheted radish |
It took me 9-10 hours of almost non stop needle felting to make this little gal or guy (I haven't decided yet but am thinking "he" so it will probably be a boy, lol). I did stop for supper, and to let the dogs out twice.
Needle felted bunny crawling |
I wanted to see if I could do a "ball jointed" type of doll in needle felt, and was happily surprised by the results. My bunny can be posed in so many positions because his arm, elbow, wrist, thigh, knee and ankles are jointed. His head is to, so it can move from side to side. I felted a cute little tushie and then added a tail so it wouldn't look too baby-like.
Needle felted bunny, crocheted radish |
The above photo is my favorite...his expression is so cute and cheeky in that pose.
Needle felted bunny, crocheted radish |
I crocheted the radish for my Harry Potter at Ravelry group...it was my entree for "dirigible plum".
Needle felted bunny, crocheted radish |
Bunny's hands are slightly cupped and he can hold his needle felted carrot. I didn't have orange needle felt so I mixed some red and yellow. I'm going to buy some koolaid so I can try dying my core wool. It's too expensive to keep buying different colors, and I really love the core wool (the bunny's is made from core wool, except for his nose, palms, and inner ears).
Needle felted bunny, crocheted radish |
I don't know how big the bunny is, but I'd guess 3-4 inches. I tend to needle felt everything in that size for some reason, lol. I'll measure tomorrow.
I sure wish I could sew so I could make a little diaper, hat, and bib for him. I can always crochet it but I hate crocheting with thread, and that's what it would take for this size doll.
I hope you enjoyed looking at photos of my latest critter.
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