More pics of Birds!
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I've been having fun with my new camera. I was up early and outside, on this gloomy overcast day. It's supposed to rain but so far has held off.
Huge Bumble Bee on Lungwort Flower |
I made a cup of coffee, put it in a thermal cup, and went outside to try get photos before the rain started. The first thing I saw was this absolutely enormous bumble bee in the Lungwort.
Bumble Bee on Lungwort flower |
Lungwort, aka Pulminaria, aka Hansel and Gretel flowers, grows like crazy in our flower bed. I've always loved them because the plants grow purple and pink flowers on the same plant, which is cool. Recently I learned that they have historically been used as a medicinal plant to treat asthma, bronchitas, coughs, and sore throat. People made a tea from the leaves, and also dried the leaves for future use.
I'd like to try it myself but have to be careful as I am allergic to some natural remedies, including echinacea.
It's a beautiful flower, and the bee seems to agree.
Mama squirrel. |
Next, this mama squirrel entered the yard, looking for food. I am going to put some peanuts out for her later. She's a big squirrel, and was very timid.
White Crowned Sparrow with orange half |
White Crowned Sparrow with Orange half. |
Next, a flock of White Crowned Sparrows joined me. I've always called them Skunk Birds because of the striped head and only learned the real name recently, lol. I put out an orange in hopes of attracting a Baltimore Oriole, but the Sparrows seemed to love it.
White Crowned Sparrow |
Here's a better view of the White Crown. Such cute little birds, and super active. They like to hop all over the garden and lawn, and it was funny to watch them kick at the grass and dirt with their tiny little feet, in order to kick up bugs (I'm guessing).
White Crowned Sparrow eating a seed |
They also really love the Black Oil sunflower seeds.
Next, the Goldfinches came to visit. They are camera shy birds and I had a hard time getting a good photo of them.
Goldfinch eating |
White Crowned Sparrow and Goldfinch on the feeder |
This pretty male (above) kept hiding on the other side of the feeder.
Underside of Goldfinch, lol |
I had fun but it was so cold and damp I needed my winter coat, in late May! It was supposed to warm up today but it hasn't; maybe tomorrow.
I hope you are all staying safe.
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