Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

August 28, & 29 2021, Goulais Bay Camp Life, Tornado Warning

 Tornado Warning, but I Didn't Know, lol

Tornado warning, Goulais Bay, Aug. 28/21

I was sitting down at the bay watching these massive black clouds move in for hours.  Some of the clouds seemed to be trying to form tunnels, I thought, but I quickly told myself not to worry because we never have tornados in this area.  

Tornado warning, Goulais Bay, Aug. 28/21

The calm before the storm was gorgeous, and the water kept turning colors.

Tornado warning, Goulais Bay, Aug. 28/21

  The lake even turned turquoise at one point.  It was so beautiful.  It started to rain so I went up to the camp.  That's when I discovered that I'd missed many phone calls and texts warning me to take cover because there was a tornado warning!  OMG. I freaked as our camp is up on cement blocks and there is no basement...no place to go for safety.

Tornado warning, Goulais Bay, Aug. 28/21

I put Smokey's cage in the doorway and kept watch at the window. I figured if I saw a funnel cloud, I'd have to quickly grab Smokey out of her cage and we'd both have to hide in the closet.  Thankfully, the storm passed and no funnel clouds formed.

Calm morning the next day, Aug. 29/21, Goulais Bay, ON. 

The next morning we had a lovely calm lake with a pretty orange and yellow sky.  Smokey and I were safe and sound.

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